Thursday, February 5, 2009

Would you like a slice of stimulus package?

Yes that’s me with former Secretary of Treasury, Hank Paulson back in October. Flying in and out of Reagan National airport, it’s pretty likely that you’ll run into “Washington Celebrities”—politicians/newsmakers/personalities that only addicted readers of FoxNews or Drudge would recognize. You won’t find them in the latest update of Perez Hilton and they usually wear black/red/blue regardless of the season.

Well a couple weeks after my rendezvous with Paulson, I run into Brit Hume (AMAZING) at Reagan National. I was even more excited for this DC celeb. He happily took a pic with me, and I told him about my run in with Paulson:

Me: Last time I was here, I met Sec Paulson.
Brit: Oh yeah? You shoulda asked him for a bailout.
Me: He could bail me out of my student loans!
Brit: If you were a lobbyist, I bet he would have!

So after admiring our pic together and calling at least 5 friends to tell them about my exciting encounter (and explaining who Brit Hume is…)--- I got to thinkin’….

Everyone wants a bailout or a slice of the economic stimulus package currently being discussed in Congress. As soon as the new Congress began, a sea of lobbyists descended upon Washington— white papers written, letters inked and talk sheets memorized about why the government should invest in their company or industry.

Why? Because something for “free” is attractive. And if they don’t go get a piece of the cake, then someone else will and they will be at a business disadvantage.

And as I watch the chaos ensue on Capitol Hill and read about the details on the front page of the Wall Street Journal of how the Congress and the Administration is working to “be fair” and distribute the dollars evenly…I know that not everyone will get something. Some will go home empty handed. No room on the playground for them.

But in God’s love--- guess what—there is more then enough to go around. No one goes home empty handed.

Let’s look first to Isaiah 53: 5-6 (NLT):

“But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all.”

And now, turn to 1 John 4: 9-10 (NIV):

“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

God sent His one and only Son as a sacrifice for us—this is a free bailout—a stimulus package for ALL.


  1. Nothing is free. It costs someone, somewhere, something, always. When someone takes without compensation, someone has lost something. I, as a middle class taxpayer, am going to lose. The small and middle size business owners who produce the products we buy and create the jobs we work at, are going to lose. The people who aren't going to lose, those individuals who contributed nothing to the economy, and well, just those people. They'll be fine. They did nothing to earn and won't understand why the rest of who did aren't happy about their sudden windfall.

  2. Nice blog, but why did you post that poor pathetic picture of Brit Hume?! The man looks exhausted, as if he hasn't had any sleep for days! He looks weathered and worn!

    And then there's you: all smiley and chirpy and bursting out with youthful happiness and exuberance! :)

    This is the thanks that Brit Hume gets for being kind to you, a total stranger who accosts him at the airport?! A pic that suggests he's in need of a warm bed and a long vacation?! :)

  3. Kim! Kim! Kim!

    You're totally right. As a society, we tend to look for handouts, we look for the governor to provide for us. We are focused on looking around us rather than looking up to the Lord for his governance and care.

    I disagree with the "Genius" in that the gift of Grace is something that the Lord gives us free, nothing in return is required. However as His children we accept the gift and we begin to see our errors that don't line up with His plan, we see where we're falling short and we turn more toward His plan realizing how amazing He is.

    Thanks for the encouragement in your post!

    in His grace,
