Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bathe, Maine in May: City of Ships

I spent the last two days in Bath, Maine and had some time between meetings to snap pictures and capture a slice of the "City of Ships".  The locals: friendly, warm, real America.  My favorite place-- Bath Sweet Shoppe.

The owners, Joan and Paul Fraser, told me they worried that they may not be in business much longer if the state is successful in placing a tax on sugar.  They talked about how this would ultimately affect their bottom line and possibly drive them out of business along with the other 100 small confectioners in the state of Maine.  These are real Americans.

Check out their website, you can order a lobster dinner (made entirely of chocolate):

And for some of the snapshots I took in Bath....
{Bath City Hall}

{Hallet's Drug Store Clock}


{Looking down the street}


{Bridge since 1932}

{Other side of bridge: Sea Brewing Company}

{Looking up on the bridge}

{Does it get better than bubble makers on the street?!?!  I think not!}

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the great blog and shout out to the Bath Sweet Shoppe (my parents are Joan & Paul). Fantastic pictures of Bath!
