Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am starting a game today! I will be posting pictures of random objects and you will have to identify...

1) What the object is in the picture,
2) Where the object is located.

Now, most of these will be in and around Washington, D.C., but to allow everyone to participate, I will occasionally throw in things that someone living outside of DC can also guess. Don't want to be a DC snob :)

Post your guesses in the comments!


  1. well i'm assuming its some type of famous landmark bc if it was ordinary people couldn't recognize it. so maybe some type of gate bc of the bolts.

  2. Definitely Key Bridge. Looking right at it. So what do I win? And don't say your love and adoration, I can't buy stuff with that.


  3. I'm guessing Key Bridge too. Doubly so since that is the closest bridge to you and clicking on the picture has it labeled "Bridge.jpg"
